Top 10 Comedies


By Cinema Sugar

60% of the time, our Top 10 Comedies work every time — or our name isn’t Nathan Arizona!

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10. Beverly Hills Cop

Beholding a larger-than-life comedian at the peak of his powers should be required by law.

9. The Birdcage

Its boldness and belly laughs should earn nearly every single person in the cast a retroactive Oscar (though Val is a villain).

8. Bridesmaids

Comedy desperately needed a woman’s touch and an extended scene detailing the results of food poisoning.

7. Sullivan’s Travels

Legendary directors and wry, quick-talking dynamic duos never go out of style.

6. Groundhog Day

The journey from nihilism to gratitude is that much sweeter in today’s time loop of negativity.

5. Hot Fuzz

There are plenty of action comedies, but never a comedy action horror for the greater good.

4. Anchorman

It’s science.

3. Young Frankenstein

The only thing better than a gothic-soaked Mel Brooks/Gene Wilder collaboration is a varm glass of milk…or some Ovaltine.

2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government, but it is for laughs.

1. Raising Arizona

John Goodman emerging from a mud pit screaming for like two full uninterrupted minutes should be in every single movie ever made.

Contributors: Natalie Bauer, Chad Comello, Natalie Pohorski, and Kevin Prchal.