‘Galaxy Quest’ in the Stars: An Astrological Deep Dive


by Maisie Twesme

Sure, Galaxy Quest is a modern classic of sci-fi comedy with an incredible cast and nerd cred. But did you know its characters match up perfectly with the 12 signs of the Zodiac?

Aries: General Roth’h’ar Sarris

A domineering, unforgiving leader who is quick to anger (cutting off a crewman’s head for example). He is a control seeker with his entire mission being to overtake the universe. His cockiness is his ultimate downfall.

Taurus: Teb

Teb is Mathesar’s second in command, so he has proved he is reliable. He takes care of the crew, keeping a steady presence to maintain calm even when the weird pig lizard explodes. He puts his faith in the practical tasks at hand.

Gemini: Fred Kwan

“You never missed a line, a cue, or a spot!” A bit of a workaholic, once on the ship he immediately builds a team and works side by side with them. He is liaison between the movie cast and the Thermian crew. If you want to talk duality, he’s a lover (of Laliari) and a fighter.

Cancer: Laliari

Her physical “human” form is constantly presenting a harmonious and caring nature. She seems to understand the energies of everyone’s dynamics. At first she seems nervous around Fred, but then she goes for it! Get it girl.

Leo: Guy Fleegman

Guy has a big personality and always ready for “showtime”. He is the face of the crew at conventions and weasels his way into other gigs with the main cast to maximize his exposure. He gets insecure once he’s out of his comfort zone.

Virgo: Mathesar

He is determined to recruit Jason and his crew once he decides that is the best course of action. He gathers all of the information to help him lead and is unfailingly available to the cause. He is, however, naive to the woes of the world.

Libra: Gwen DeMarco

She isn’t necessarily proud of her role, but once she discovers its importance for communication she doubles down and commits to it. She is the glue—a patient and considerate go-between for Jason and the crew. She is adaptable and necessary to their success.

Scorpio: Jason Nesmith

Determined to get what he wants, he is action-focused and convinces the rest of the crew to join him. He seeks fame and longevity, and will go to great lengths to get it. His stability is obtained through others: he is nothing without the recognition of his fans and the Thermians.

Sagittarius: Brandon

The archer of Sagittarius—ready, aim, fire! He psyches himself up to approach and ultimately help Jason. A visionary who believes in the show, in Jason, his friends, and himself. He carries the burden of defending his friends. He is always all-in!

Capricorn: Sir Alexander Dane

Focused on the craft (“You need to find the motivation!/You were never committed!”), he wants others to be on his level, but takes pride in the fact that he is the one who sets the bar. He finds a bond with Quellek, who helps him fully realize his responsibility to fulfill the role people see him in.

Aquarius: Tommy Webber

It’s hard for him to open his eyes to his personal flaws, even though he is quick to point out others. He is innovative, creating the flying method for the ship for example. He wants to understand the big picture of what’s going on without having to fully engage in it.

Pisces: Quellek

He has great admiration and respect for Alex’s people and works to be as embedded as possible. He shows his maturity in his acceptance of death, happy to die for the cause, and also shows his vulnerability in sharing his feelings. He sees himself in Alex and looks up to him.